Ludwig Keck

My name is Ludwig Keck – I am a photo enthusiast, amateur artist, sometimes teacher, occasional author, and avid computer user. I love sharing what I know.
My working career was as an engineer in electronics, programming, photographic products, toys, instruments and defense products. Mostly I worked where electronics, programming and photography came together. I started taking pictures more than seventy years ago and wrote my first computer program in 1956.

I am an engineer, not a professional artist, my photography is mostly for personal enjoyment, but have taken occasional assignments. I like to shoot images that I can use as teaching material – good and bad.
Now retired, I enjoy teaching seniors to use their computers and cameras to the fullest. To this end I have written several books. Some of them are available publicly. I keep several blogs for sharing tips, ideas, images, and websites with personal galleries.

My passion for art predated my photography and I love to use photographs as a basis for artistic manipulations that I call “cafe art”.
See my Sites page for links to my other sites.

To keep my skills sharp, I continue to hone my craft by participating in educational seminars and courses, sometimes as a student, sometimes as an instructor.
And I continue to share what I know on my various sites.

My “professional” site is Ludwig.Keck.Photography. I take occasional assignments, mostly in architectural, interior, event and food photography, and portraiture.
The pages on this site lead you to the many places in the “cloud” where I have made small contributions. You can find me on social media via the links below.
My motto: “If it is worth doing, it is worth doing well.”
To learn more about Ludwig and his family visit the Keck.website
If you care to buy me a cup of coffee, by all means, use the Donate button below.
Copyright © 2014 – 2024 Ludwig Keck. All rights reserved. No unauthorized use is permitted.
All content in this site created by the site owner is the property of the site owner and protected by U.S. and international copyright laws and cannot be stored in any retrieval system, reproduced, reposted, displayed, modified or transmitted in any form, electronic or otherwise without written permission of the copyright owner.
IN PLAIN ENGLISH: Do not use anything from this site, or any of my other sites, — text, photos, or anything else — without asking me first.
This website was created by myself and I’m responsible for all content, without warranty.
This website and its content are provided “as is” and I exclude to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law any warranty, express or implied, including, without limitation, any implied warranties of satisfactory quality or fitness for a particular purpose. I will not be liable for any damages of any kind arising from the use of this site, including, but not limited to direct, indirect, incidental, punitive and consequential damages. The functions embodied on, or in the materials of, this website are not warranted to be uninterrupted or without error.
This statement applies to other sites created by me that can be reached by links on this site.
There may be links to other websites from this site; however, I’m not responsible for any content contained on any such website or any loss suffered by you in relation to your use of such websites. I assume that their owners take care of any legal issues by themselves.
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